We are pleased to exclusively stock a wide range of caviars.
We are determined that our caviar should be ethically and sustainably sourced, and appropriately certified with the correct CITES certificates.
We recommend that you never purchase caviar that does not have a CITES certificate on the tin.
The core philosophy of Exmoor Caviar is to harness the tastes of England and instil these into the caviar. Exmoor Caviar produces farmed British caviar from the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser Baerii).
They are the first and currently only caviar farm in the UK, producing since 2013 and to date they supply into a combined 64 Michelin Stars in the UK.
‘Supporting a company like Exmoor Caviar is so important if chefs are going to help keep developing Britain as a culinary destination’ – Brett Graham, The Ledbury
The farm is in north Devon at the foothills of the Exmoor National Park. The sturgeon grow at nature’s intended pace; heated pools are never used to accelerate the growth of the fish.
‘We use Exmoor Caviar at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. The flavour is elegant and pure with beautiful texture’ – Ashley Palmer-Watts, Dinner by Heston Blumenthal
The sturgeons are mature at around 8-10 years old. Once mature, each sturgeon is purged for approximately 4-6 weeks. Cornish Sea Salt is used as a flavour enhancer rather than a curing agent, and they use a lower percentage than traditional farms. This salt gives a wonderful mineral purity allowing the natural flavour of the roe to stand out.
Exmoor Caviar can be enjoyed on its own as a stand-alone product allowing the fine and delicate flavours to be enjoyed, or served in classic dishes by many of the finest gourmets in the country.
It is characterised as having a natural delicate saltiness, with perfectly rounded flavours and is silky smooth.
Traditionally called ‘French caviar’ this is from the Acipenser Baerii (Siberian Sturgeon), mature only at 4-5 years.
The eggs have a distinct dark colour, with a pronounced flavour of the sea. It is produced using Himalayan sea salt giving it a unique flavour.
This is a lovely young caviar which is perfect for Canapes, garnishes and finishing sauces
A cross between Huso Dauricus and Acipenser Schrenckii sturgeons which are both indigenous to the Amur River in China. This caviar has all the qualities of a fine Beluga, but its afternote is accentuated by the powerful flavour of Acispenser Schrenckii.
The sturgeon is caviar-mature at between 8-10 years old. The eggs are medium to large and have a distinct brown green tinge.
Royal Beluski has a very complex flavour profile and a wonderful buttery finish. A stand-out firm-textured caviar.
Traditionally called ‘Black Russian Caviar’ from the indigenous Caspain Sea Acispencer Gueldenstaedtii, but now farmed in Germany.
This caviar is mature at between 10-12 years old. The eggs are firm with a kaleidoscope of colours from warm light greys to dark golden yellows and have a wonderful afternote.
Imperial Oscietra is a classic and of exceptional value given its heritage and undeniable quality.
From the Caspian Sea, this is the famous ‘Beluga’ Huso Huso sturgeon, the largest sturgeon known. It can live up to 150 years grow up to 12m long and weigh up to 2 tonnes.
After about 20 years of age, the sturgeon is caviar-mature. The eggs are famed for their extremely large pearlescent light grey colour and their creamy afternotes.
Imperial Beluga is considered the connoisseur’s best caviar.
CITES: HUS/C/IR/2016/GB0011/16FXXX-X
Once reserved for the Tsars, Golden Almas is known as ‘the King of Caviars’
Historically produced by the very rarer Persicus sturgeon, the name ‘Almas’ can be translated into Persian by ‘Diamond’. It is famed for its bright golden eggs and is truly something special.
This caviar is produced in Germany and is only available at certain times of the year.