Beluga and Asetra Caviar

Just a brief reminder that we maintain a good supply of Beluga and Asetra caviar from the Caspian Sea.
Amar Beluga Caviar
Onee of the best caviar on the market to date, this is a hybrid of the Acipenser Schrenkii combined with the Huso Dauricus Sturgeon. Two of the best Sturgeon in the world that not only takes 10 years to mature, in turn producing a magnificent sizeable shimmering silver Roe. This is a favourite amongst caviar connoisseurs around the world
Asetra Caviar
One of our favourite caviars these roe range from 2.6mm to 2.9mm in size, with a silvery/grey colour to them. An ideal caviar to compliment any hor d’oeuvres with a suttle and elegant taste that any connoisseur would appreciate.