Pecorino Siciliano Primo Sale al peperoncino

Relish is pleased to continue to delight the taste buds of our customers with interesting and unusual products.
Primo Sale is an Italian, soft sheep milk cheese primarily produced in the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The name itself literally means “first salt” and is used to describe early stages of maturation. In the Belice Valley in Sicily, before the cheese is salted and taken right out of the mould, the cheese is called “Tuma”. After its first salting, it is called “Primo Sale”. After it is aged, it is referred to as “Vastedda”. Because the cheese is young, it has a bright white coloured pate and is milky in flavour. It is a rindless cheese that is semi-soft in texture.
This particular cheese is flavoured with red chillies to give it and extra kick.
A winner!